For two days Ella Claire will not take a nap. Yesterday I put her down and she only slept for an hour and that was it! After she woke up she just sat there in her crib, talking to herself, playing with her lovey, and kicking the mattress (which apparently is super fun). I wasn't going in there just in case she went back to sleep and she wasn't crying or fussing to come out anyway, she never does. I let her sit in there for about an hour and finally decided, she is NOT going back to sleep. Ella does this extremely high pitched scream, that shows she is really happy and in the mood to be silly, that is when I went in. That scream meant we had reached the point of no return and this not napping nap was just way too much of a good time.
Moving on to today, this morning she got up an hour and fifteen minutes early. I started hearing her talk to herself at 6:45, this morning. (Yes my kid usually sleeps until at least 8:00am, go ahead and hate me now) At 7:30 I decide we will just be up for the day. Now also this morning I had to go to the doctor for my annual exam and my depo shot, (because one surprise was enough in my lifetime and I certainly know I can get pregnant now). While I was gone Nick tried to put her down for a nap, he left her in there for forty-five minutes and still nothing. When I got home I thought she looked tired and I tried to lay her down. I gave her fifteen minutes to fall asleep when she didn't I went and got her. We needed to go get groceries anyway.
On the way to the store, she stays awake the whole time. I run into one store for fifteen minutes alone, while she is in the car with Nick, still wide awake when I get back. We get to Target and she is good the whole time. I didn't even see a yawn. We check out, get into the car and we are barely out of the parking lot, when she conks out. Now it's only a ten minute drive home and she slept the whole way but ten minutes is hardly a nap for an almost fifteen month old. So of course I have to take her out of her car seat because it's really cold out and I am not leaving the car running.
She wakes up, still drowsy, I am thinking: Great, I can lay her back down, in her crib and she will go right back to sleep, she looks so tired. So wrong, doesn't even cover it. I let her be silly in there for an hour, she didn't even sleep for five minutes! It all started with laying on her belly, kicking her feet REALLY fast. All I could here was thumping at a speed of sixty thumps per second, thump thump thump. It was like someone was playing really loud bass music out of their car but in her room. (You all know the cars I am talking about, where you hear the bass before you can even see the car.) Then the standing at the rail started. We still have a drop side crib so she will "rattle" it. (Don't worry, the release is under the crib and it has to be lifted before it will go down. I have always liked drop side cribs.) Followed by throwing things out of the crib; socks, lovey, nuk, the other lovey and lastly the glowing musical seahorse, Squirt. She sure was excited when I walked through that door. ( I sooo love that!)
Lastly, she was so tired this evening that bed time was an hour early. Fortunately for me bedtime has never been a problem. She is usually out in ten minutes, tops. I know it could be SO much worse, I am just worried she will get run down and sick. Plus who wants a crabby baby. I have just been spoiled with a good sleeper and I have no idea if it's just her or if I did something right in my sleep training. Yes, I know, hate away. I am really lucky.
Sweet Dreams!
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