Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Joys Of Toddlers

Even with all the challenges that come with toddlers, I am loving our experience with Ella as she is in the early stages of toddler hood. I am looking forward to all the things she will be starting to do over the next year. I am also looking forward to the warmer weather and all the things we couldn't do together last Spring and Summer. Such as playing outside more, now that she can walk and run....and doesn't put everything she finds in her mouth.

With her getting older, so much more of her personality is coming out. I am loving that she is becoming more affectionate now that she knows it is one way we show we love someone. Hearing her actually talk, watching her run, dance and play. These are things I think people forget about toddlers. You usually hear, "Oh, you have a toddler? ....... Good Luck." I don't see it that way. Yes, toddlers can be challenging, but the rewards from toddlers are so much more. When they run up to you, stand on their tip toes, and turn their face up towards you with puckered lips, nothing is better. It warms your insides faster than hot chocolate on a snowy day. All naughtiness and tantrums from the day are forgotten.

It is such a limited time that we get with our toddlers, while they are really learning and starting so many new things. I am currently enjoying Ella barking at the dog, dancing anytime there is music on, wanting to sit in my lap reading book after book. Everyday I am amazed by her and so grateful that I get to be home with her as much as I am. I am enjoying every minute the good, the bad and the ugly. You only get one shot at your child's toddler years and this is when you lay the foundation for the person they will be in years to come. That is pretty exciting.

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