Monday, February 6, 2012

When Mommies Get Sick

As I mentioned previously, a very bad cold is going through our house. Ella got it from Nick, which also gave her, her very first ear infection. Nick is just about better, Ella is definitely starting the home stretch, while I am in full swing.

To top it all off, I had my first full week at my new part time job, I sure wasn't going to call in sick my first week, especially with it being just a cold. Not only did I feel horrible, I felt bad leaving Ella while she was sick. What is it with Mom's and the self inflicting guilt we have over leaving our children. I may possibly be one of the worst offenders, I hate leaving Ella, and not because I don't trust anyone to take care of her, I do. It's just I really enjoy being with her.

Now when Mommy is sick, the house isn't as clean, there is a pile of laundry to do, beds are not made, dirty dishes are on the counter and meals are not as extravagant. It was quite a bit of soup and grilled cheese, and toast. Poor Nick, I think he has been living on corn dogs. Nick helped a lot but there are some things he just doesn't do, like make the beds and hey, I wasn't going to complain, half the time I was in it.

Here is to a fast recovery!

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