I want to be a healthy eater. I want to enjoy fruits and vegetables more often. I also want to cook more meals from scratch. Why is this difficult, you might be thinking? Because it is so expensive to have a good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables on hand. Yes, frozen veggies aren't too bad, but most fruit gets so mushy, and don't even get me started on frozen raspberries. Also frozen fruit really isn't that much cheaper than fresh, in my opinion. Lean, free range, grass fed meats are also more expensive. Plus processed and packaged, readily available foods do taste really good, and they are EVERYWHERE. They are almost impossible to avoid. I also have a husband who just loves processed foods and really isn't so concerned with foods that we eat. He is also fortunate enough to have a high metabolism so he has no reason to give up junk food. He also doesn't seem to have any health problems, yet. If it comes out of a wrapper, bag or a box, he loves it.
The amount of processed foods we eat, really takes a toll on our bodies. Refined foods make our insulin levels soar. Insulin is the hormone that is responsible for how we store the foods we consume. Refined and processed foods are mainly to blame for the obesity, diabetes and heart disease problem in America. Poor diet and nutrition also increases the risk of cancer. (I know it seems everything causes cancer but why add to it?) Meats that are filled with hormones, manufactured oils, fats and foods, refined carbohydrates and sugar, that is the common American diet. Our bodies do not know how to process these artificial and refined foods, and they react accordingly. Most of our hormone levels are completely out of balance. Another problem we as Americans have, we don't eat any real fats. Everything is low fat, but let me tell you its the low fat diets that are making us fat. Why? It goes back to all the sugar we end up consuming. Generally the more "low fat" something is the more sugars it has in it, not to mention high sodium levels. Also most refined cereals, breads, crackers, and white rice turns into sugar in your body and those are mostly considered to be low fat. You then end up getting it processed and stored as fat in your body. That is why you don't stay full after eating refined foods. If you had consumed natural fats at the same time they would help in slowing down the breakdown of the sugars and keep you fuller longer. Sugar is what is making our country fat.
The biggest reason I want to turn our home into a "healthy" home is cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure all run in mine and Nick's families. Needless to say I worry about Ella and what will happen with her health if I don't teach her balanced, healthy, nutrient rich eating habits. I do not want to ever have to see her go through what so many kids go through, being teased and tormented for their weight. I also want her to enjoy and like the foods that are good for her. I am trying to prevent the health problems that run rampant through our family and society. I also want to be healthy, I want to keep up with my toddler. I want to take care of my body because when you do, it also takes care of you. When you give your body what it needs, you will not only look good on the outside, you will look good on the inside. I will also be keeping my fingers crossed that natural foods and fresh fruits and veggies go down in price. (So unlikely I know, blame wishful thinking.) That will help immensely for me and the entire population. If only I can get my husband on board.
A great resource for learning about how foods affect our bodies and our hormone levels is a book by Dr. Micheal Aziz called "The Perfect 10 Diet" you can find it on Amazon, I have the kindle addition. If anyone has any other suggestions, please post it in a comment.
You're right... it is hard to eat healthy. It makes it so difficult when all of the processed foods are so cheap and easy to prepare.