Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Starting The Journey To Good Health

I made a big purchase today. I bought a Tread Climber. I had been wanting it for what feels like many many years and finally did it. (Truthfully it's only been a few years, but that seems a long time when you want something like that.) I really wanted a low impact cardio machine and that is what it is. They have a money back guarantee and I will do this and see if I feel it's doing what I am looking for. I know I will actually have to put in the effort and I am OK with that. I am just so excited.

I am planning on doing this in addition to continuing Yoga and Pilate's. I have started doing Yoga with Ella in the morning and she seems to enjoy it. It's so cute watching her do down dog! I just want to be in better health. I want to be a healthy role model to my child. To me that means showing her to take care of herself with nutrition and exercise. I am not planning on eliminating foods from my diet, but teach her about moderation of those foods that really don't do anything for our bodies, (but probably do wonders for our minds, wine and chocolate anyone?).

My goal isn't exactly a size or weight, although I do have a general idea in my mind. Mainly, I want to feel good and feel good about myself. I want to be able to just put on some clothes and not go, "umm, this doesn't look good". I do not want to be really thin, nor do I want to lose all my feminine curves. I feel like 150 is a good weight for me. The number doesn't matter to me so much, I'll know I am at the right weight when I feel great.

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